Wednesday, August 21, 2013

eDealer Training Classes - New Cities Added

eDealer Training Program Schedule

eBay Motors eDealer Training Program

eBay Motors announces new cities for eDealer Training Program

eBay Motors eDealer Training Program – Spring / Summer 2013 Schedule
If you are looking to improve your sales skills, or maybe just want to see what other dealers are doing to find success on eBay Motors you should consider attending one of our live training classes.eBay Motors Training Schedule
If you haven't been to this class yet I highly encourage it. If you have been in the past, then we want you back. My team evolves this training each quarter and I still believe that after 3 years of teaching this class (100 times a year) that we still have the best training class out there. Where else can you find a company in your city running a 3 hour training for free with zero commitment to ever spend a dollar?
eDealer Registration Page

Here is the schedule:
You can find a pretty and printable version here: eBay Motors Training Schedule
13 • Tue.........................................Phoenix, AZ
14 • Wed.......................................San Marcos, TX
20 • Tue.........................................Cincinnati, OH
20 • Tue.........................................Washington, D.C.
21 • Wed.......................................Atlanta, GA
27 • Tue......................................... Long Island, NY

17 • Tue.........................................Patterson, NJ
18 • Wed.......................................Omaha, NE
19 • Thu.........................................Tyler, TX
24 • Tue.........................................Orange County, CA
24 • Tue.........................................Orlando, FL
27 • Wed........................................Philadelphia, PA

Sign Up Here: eDealer Registration Page

Why a $1.00 Auction Start Price helps you sell more vehicles

Monthly Best Practices Article

Buying a New Car

Why a $1.00 Auction Start Price helps you sell more vehicles on eBay Motors

I was recently speaking at a conference regarding best practices when selling vehicles on eBay Motors. As usual I spend a lot of my time convincing sellers the importance of using the Auction format and the equal importance of using a low start price. I was giving a pretty compelling argument to starting all vehicles at $1000, knowing that many dealers think this is way too low. Mid-way through a dealer raised his hand and said, “Hey, about your $1000 start price, I think that is way too HIGH!”

The audience looked at him kind of funny, but I immediately recognized him as one of our top sellers and started laughing. He was 100% correct but I was trying to be generic with my audience of mostly new eBay sellers.

Why would a dealer selling 150 units per month on eBay Motors want a $1.00 Start Price on an Auction? The whole point of a nationwide auction is to put your inventory in front of more buyers and to generate as much interest (bids and watchers) as possible. An auction with a low start price gets more pages views, bids and overall success. Think about just the basics of an auction. If you look for a vehicle and you see two pictures on a results page, each vehicle looks the same but one has a $1.00 start price and the other has a $5000 start price. Which vehicle would you initially click on? Of course, everyone clicks on the lowest start or current bid price because our natural inclination is to try and get the best deal we can. If you list 2 similar $15,000 vehicles on eBay , one with a $1.00 start price and one with a $5000 start price I would expect the $1.00 start priced vehicle to have 2-3 times the page views, phone calls and bids.

eBay search is driven by page views and bids. The vehicles with the most page views and bids show up higher in search. So these low start priced vehicles, that get a higher than average number of page views and bids, end up on top of search driving even further success.

So why doesn’t everybody do this? Well the short answer is that it is more work for the seller. Low start prices means more bids, emails, phone calls and etc. These dealers get stuck on the low start price and the fact that the low start price invites low bids. Instead all sellers should understand that every bid counts. Every bidder on eBay is a buyer and potential customer. And every bid is also a flag for other bidders to participate and bid higher. If you sell on eBay Motors with a low start price you will absolutely get some low offers on your vehicle, but you will also sell many more vehicles because of it. And that’s what we are all in business to do, right?

eBay Motors is a fabulous incremental sales channel. We put your inventory in front of a new audience that likes to do all of their shopping online and with mobile. We know that success on eBay takes a little practice and support on our side so we have set up a number of options to help. If you want to expand your sales let us help expand your audience and help teach you the best ways to succeed.

We have put together a full University of online training to help your learn more. You can learn online, take webinars or come see us at one of our 6 plus monthly live events.

Check out eBay Motors Dealer Hub for more information.  

Information Session: eBay Motors National Vehicle Subscription Program

Information Session:  
eBay Motors National Vehicle Subscription Program

This webinar will serve as an information session for our new National Vehicle Subscriptions program.   This new program allows dealers to buy a monthly subscription to list on eBay Motors.  In this session we will look at the program and the costs, but more importantly we will look at the benefits and best practices in using this type of approach when selling on eBay Motors.  

1. New Program Basics
2. Costs and Benefits
3. Best Practices
4. Long Term Vision

These sessions will be run by Clayton Stanfield - Senior Manager of Dealer Outreach
Register for a session now by clicking a date below:
Once registered you will receive an email confirming your registration with information you need to join the Webinar.

eBay Motors Online University

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

eBay Motors Introduces National Vehicle Subscriptions Starting August 19th

Thursday, July 25, 2013

eBay Motors - Summer Webinar Training Schedule

eBay Motors Webinar Schedule

Motors 101 Training

This class will focus on the first stages to selling on eBay Motors.  
·         How to register for eBay Motors
·         Identify yourself as a licensed dealership
·         Steps required to take a vehicle from your lot and put it for sale on eBay Motors.  

Register for a session now by clicking a date below: 

Stores and SEO Training

This Webinar will teach you how to build out your eBay Store.
·         Optimize your eBay Store 
·         Maximize exposure on eBay and outside search engines
·         Learn how to increase your traffic with simple but "Must Have" Best Practices.

Register for a session now by clicking a date below:

Dealer Center Training

This Webinar will teach you how to use the eBay Motors listing tool, the Dealer Center.  
·         Setting up your profile
·         Creating listings 
·         Managing your leads

Register for a session now by clicking a date below: 

Why a $1.00 Auction Start Price helps you sell more vehicles on eBay Motors

Why a $1.00 Auction Start Price helps you sell more vehicles on eBay Motors
I was recently speaking at a conference regarding best practices when selling vehicles on eBay Motors.  As usual I spend a lot of my time convincing sellers the importance of using the Auction format and the equal importance of using a low start price.   I was giving a pretty compelling argument to starting all vehicles at $1000, knowing that many dealers think this is way too low.   Mid-way through a dealer raised his hand and said, “Hey, about your $1000 start price, I think that is way too HIGH!”
The audience looked at him kind of funny, but I immediately recognized him as one of our top sellers and started laughing.  He was 100% correct but I was trying to be generic with my audience of mostly new eBay sellers. 
Why would a dealer selling 150 units per month on eBay Motors want a $1.00 Start Price on an Auction?  The whole point of a nationwide auction is to put your inventory in front of more buyers and to generate as much interest (bids and watchers) as possible.  An auction with a low start price gets more pages views, bids and overall success.   Think about just the basics of an auction.   If you look for a vehicle and you see two pictures on a results page, each vehicle looks the same but one has a $1.00 start price and the other has a $5000 start price.  Which vehicle would you initially click on?   Of course, everyone clicks on the lowest start or current bid price because our natural inclination is to try and get the best deal we can.  If you list 2 similar $15,000 vehicles on eBay , one with a $1.00 start price and one with a $5000 start price I would expect the $1.00 start priced vehicle to have 2-3 times the page views, phone calls and bids.  
eBay search is driven by page views and bids.   The vehicles with the most page views and bids show up higher in search.  So these low start priced vehicles, that get a higher than average number of page views and bids, end up on top of search driving even further success. 
So why doesn’t everybody do this?   Well the short answer is that it is more work for the seller.  Low start prices means more bids, emails, phone calls and etc.   These dealers get stuck on the low start price and the fact that the low start price invites low bids.  Instead all sellers should understand that every bid counts.   Every bidder on eBay is a buyer and potential customer.   And every bid is also a flag for other bidders to participate and bid higher.   If you sell on eBay Motors with a low start price you will absolutely get some low offers on your vehicle, but you will also sell many more vehicles because of it.   And that’s what we are all in business to do, right? 
eBay Motors is a fabulous incremental sales channel.  We put your inventory in front of a new audience that likes to do all of their shopping online and with mobile.  We know that success on eBay takes a little practice and support on our side so we have set up a number of options to help.  If you want to expand your sales let us help expand your audience and help teach you the best ways to succeed.
We have put together a full University of online training to help your learn more.  You can learn online, take webinars or come see us at one of our 6 plus monthly live events.  Check out for more information.   

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Competitive dealerships sell and market at millennial speed

Competitive dealerships sell and market at millennial speed
By Clayton Stanfield, senior manager, eBay Motors
With every generation of consumers comes a new generation of sales and marketing channels for businesses to master or die trying. First print, then radio and television, then the Internet took lead as the “ultimate” means to communicating with potential purchasers in any given era’s most covetable demographic group. Many dealerships assume that today’s ideal shopper hails from Generation X and is ultimately engaged with a glossy website and perhaps a Facebook page. But with millennials – the tech-savvy, empowered generation of consumers born between 1983 and 2004 – dealers must fast forward a mobile channel strategy, as well, to stay in front of and ahead of the shoppers who will be buying from them for decades to come.
If millennials aren’t top-of-mind for dealerships, they should be, with estimated generational purchasing power in the hundreds of billions of dollars. But reaching this prized segment isn’t a straightforward, one-time or static effort. For instance, millennial consumers are increasingly integrating the mobile phone – this generation’s virtual fifth appendage – into their shopping processes.
This trend translates to automotive shopping, as well, with millennials using their smart phones to research, shop for, and even purchase vehicles in much larger numbers than people of older generations. Recent eBay Motors research explored new vehicle shopping preferences and behaviors in today’s increasingly online and mobile commerce environment, and found that for millennial consumers the approach to car shopping revolves increasingly around using their mobile devices to complement the shopping experiences. Consider what the survey revealed:
·         More than one-third of millennials use a mobile device to research information while shopping for a vehicle, versus 19 percent of the non-millennials surveyed.
·         44 percent of millennials are likely to use mobile devices to compare prices or get information while they are at a dealership, compared with 27 percent of the non-millennials surveyed.
·         One-in-five millennials indicated they would consider purchasing a vehicle using a mobile device. In fact, only 13 percent of millennials reported that visiting a brick-and-mortar dealership is their most preferred method of shopping for or researching a vehicle, compared to 25 percent of non-millennial consumers.
When you combine the buying power of millennials with their mobile preferences, dealerships with no mobile footprint risk losing a significant new stream of revenue, or worse yet, never being in the running for it. For millennials, who are confronted with, literally, countless marketing and advertising messages in a 24-hour period, turning the vehicle shopping experience into one that is familiar and resonates with their lifestyle through the use of mobile is critical to dealerships capturing their already-fragmented attention.
However, “going mobile” is unlike deciding to enter into any sales and marketing strategy. It is arguably the most volatile and rapidly evolving sales and marketing channel in the history of contemporary retail, yet it also exponentially broadens a dealership’s audience reach and deepens the impact of its message and value proposition for the shopper.  Dealerships have an opportunity through mobile to not simply reach millennials, but to connect with them on a more personal level through content that’s dynamic, customized and outright fun. Businesses are surprising and delighting us every day with exciting and meaningful mobile marketing approaches, but dealerships taking their first steps into the mobile arena need not put undue creative pressure on themselves. They just need to get going, and here are only a few of the ways to do that:
·         Optimize your site. If a dealership’s website doesn’t render correctly on a smartphone or other mobile device, nothing else matters. Recent research draws a connection between a brand’s mobile savvy and consumer perception: 63 percent of consumer respondents said they would make a purchase from an email received on a mobile device, but 80 percent said they would delete an email that doesn’t look good on their mobile device. At a minimum in a mobile commerce environment, dealerships should make sure that all their online properties are optimized for mobile browsers.
·         Leverage mobile app technology. While it is unlikely that a consumer will download a dedicated application for every dealership they are considering purchasing from during their shopping process, it is becoming increasingly possible that they will turn to other, broader applications during this process to gather research on the vehicles they are considering. To ensure that their vehicles are a part of this consideration set, dealers should make sure to leverage existing platforms or apps that already reach a large audience of mobile shoppers, listing their inventory through these services.
·         Enhance show floor interactions. A showroom shopper with a smartphone is an opportunity for engagement. Dealerships should consider offering free Wi-Fi in-store to enable millennials (and, honestly, all those millions of others carrying smartphones today) to comparison shop, online. It may seem counter-productive, but the dealership advantage is that salespeople are on hand to hold real-time discussions with shoppers about their online research results and, even, save a would-be lost sale. And more shoppers are walking into dealerships with the body of their vehicle research accessible already on their smartphones, something that dealership sales teams should recognize as a prime opportunity to learn more about the shopper’s needs and serve as a true partner to them by answering their pre-purchase questions.
I encourage dealerships that have yet to recognize that mobile is a critical channel in today’s marketplace to examine their growth objectives and where that growth is going to come from. Millennials are not only buying vehicles today, but they also have more vehicle-purchasing years ahead of them than most other consumer generations, so identifying how and where to pique their interest and meet their needs is central to long-term dealership success. And the “how” and “where” are mobile. 

eBay Motors - Online University - Certified Sales Consultant Program

eBay Motors - Online University  

eBay Motors Online University is one of the best ways you can learn all about selling on ebay Motors.  This Online Training is available 24/7 and is FREE.  You can log in and take one class or you can take all 9 and best of all, you can do it at your pace. 

You can take one class at a time or you can complete the whole suite and become a Certified eBay Motors Sales Consultant. 
eBay Motors Online University Registration  
If you have questions please send me a note
Core Courses
1.       Selling Vehicles on eBay Motors
2.       eBay Stores Basic Set Up Training
3.       Selling Parts and Accessories on eBay Motors
4.       eBay Motors Dealer Center Listing Tool Training
You can take any of these classes in any order
Certification Courses:

  1. eBay Motors Certification Course 1 - eBay Motors Market Place
  2.  eBay Motors Certification Course 2 - Inventory Management & Vehicle Merchandising
  3.  eBay Motors Certification Course 3 - Pricing Strategy
  4. eBay Motors Certification Course 4 - Listing Strategy
  5. eBay Motors Certification Course 5 - Lead Management and Vehicle Delivery
  6. eBay Motors Certification Course 6 - Final Exam 
You can take any of these courses individually.  To become an “ eBay Motors Certified Sales Consultant” complete all 5 certification classes and pass the final exam with a minimum 70% score.  You do not have to take the Core Courses to be certified, but the content in the Core Courses is important for eBay sellers  

eBay Motors eDealer Training Program – Spring / Summer 2013 Schedule

eBay Motors eDealer Training Program – Spring / Summer 2013 Schedule

If you are looking to improve your sales skills, or maybe just want to see what other dealers are doing to find success on eBay Motors you should consider attending one of our live training classes.  eBay Motors Training Schedule

If you haven't been to this class yet I highly encourage it.  If you have been in the past, then we want you back.  My team evolves this training each quarter and I still believe that after 3 years of teaching this class (100 times a year) that we still have the best training class out there.  Where else can you find a company in your city running a 3 hour training for free with zero commitment to ever spend a dollar? 

Here is the schedule: 
You can find a pretty and printable version here: eBay Motors Training Schedule
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Wilmington, DE
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Bradenton, FL
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
San Diego, CA
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Danvers, MA
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Riverside, CA
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Boise, ID
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Tallahassee, FL
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Indianapolis, IN
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Colorado Springs, CO
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Providence, RI
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Columbus, OH
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Dallas, TX
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Greensboro, NC
Wednsday,19 June,2013
Concord, NC
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Worcester, MA
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Shreveport, LA

All licensed dealers are welcome to attend and while there is no cost to attend, dealers must pre-register to attend.  See below for dates and information to attend.  Call (866) 322-9227  to sign up or email

You can also now register for these classes here:  eDealer Registration

These dates can also be found at